"Hey, it's that stuff I made!" -Chad Becker
The Buzz About Bees (1:12)
The Buzz About Bees from City of Holland on Vimeo.
The first video I made for the City of Holland.
Start Garden/Street Interview video for Your Chauffeur (5:46)
In June of 2013, I started my own company.
This video helped pave the way for Your Chauffeur in Grand Rapids.
This video helped pave the way for Your Chauffeur in Grand Rapids.
Standard ToolSELECT Review (6:17)Here is but one example of the literally hundreds of tool review videos I have edited over the nearly two years of working at ToolSELECT.com.
"Prove It" ToolSELECT Video (4:12)Many times I worked with footage that was shot only with a general idea of what the end video would be. Here is one "Prove It" video of such.
Chad the Helpful Scamp (1:19)
This was a way of introducing myself to members of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center (when I worked there, that is).
Jenn, Jenny, Me and I...Bored (0:24)
A gag that countless people have done before, but whatever,
here's mine. FYI: The audio is edited to have more "appropriate" content. |
A Lively Facebook Conversation (0:30)
When embedded into facebook, it appears to simply be normal dialogue between two people -- with a twist.
GRTV Studio Promo (1:44)
A video promoting GRTV's studio and classes.
88.1 FM - WYCE Video Intro (0:05)
A web video intro I made for GRTV sister station, WYCE.
WGRD Intro and Studio Test (1:41)
Made some mock-up intros and dual cam video for WGRD DJ "Dahmer".
Badchecker Every Day (1:21)
A project not unlike others floating around on the internet, only mine's cool because it's me!
As you can see I've had some lapses in time for various reasons.
As you can see I've had some lapses in time for various reasons.
Fun with Internet Meme Audio (2:36)
If you don't know your internet memes and dislike low-brow* comedy you probably won't enjoy this video. But if you do - DO A BARREL ROLL!
*bonus points if you recognize the opening music |
Brayden Beatbox (2:00)
Had some cute raw footage of my friend and his son so I made a memorable, fun, beatbox video out of it for them.
Marathon from kyle nilges on Vimeo.
I was also the video editor for this 48 Film Festival Movie in Chicago, IL.