Various signs and other items designed for my previous employer Mafolie Hotel and Restaurant
These four signs were mounted in a row to show off what the Mafolie has to offer from a lookout point down the road.
Concept, writing and design were all done by me from start to finish.
Concept, writing and design were all done by me from start to finish.
The signs showcasing The Mafolie as mounted at a popular tourist lookout just east of the Mafolie Hotel.
Mafolie Business Card
Concept by Kasia Israel - Designed by Chad Becker
The white area around the Mafolie Logo is completely transparent and the rest of the card was on opaque plastic with rounded corners.
Concept by Kasia Israel - Designed by Chad Becker
The white area around the Mafolie Logo is completely transparent and the rest of the card was on opaque plastic with rounded corners.
Various Designed Mafolie Items
A local business I designed and created for a short time with 2 other partners in 2015.
A graphic/logo that I built for Grand Rapids Rock DJ "Dahmer" back in 2010