"Hey, it's that stuff I made!" -Chad Becker
Tiger Solar gave me incentive to break out my ol' video creation chops in Summer 2023. Here's the result of my filming, rambling and editing: 2:11
Couldn't help but make a video for myself and Altenergy once "quarantine" started in 2020. 2:05
Windmill Island Renovation Updates
In the summer of 2013, The De Zwaan Windmill of Holland Michigan underwent a number of renovations. With a series of videos and interviews, I kept the public up to date on the status of their iconic windmill.
Various Videos Created for the City of Holland
The last video I made for the City of Holland was also my largest. We teamed up with the Zeeland Historical Society to make a 30 minute oral history documentary of the experiences of going to school in this historic one room School House in West Michigan.
The Buzz About Bees from City of Holland on Vimeo.
The first video I made for the City of Holland in early 2013.
Start Garden/Street Interview video for Your Chauffeur (5:46)
In June of 2013, I started my own unique business.
This video helped pave the way for Your Chauffeur in Grand Rapids.
This video helped pave the way for Your Chauffeur in Grand Rapids.
Standard ToolSELECT Review (6:17)Here is but one example of the literally hundreds of tool review videos I had edited over the two years of working at ToolSELECT.com.
"Prove It" ToolSELECT Video (4:12)Many times I worked with footage that was shot only with a general idea of what the end video would be. Here is one "Prove It" video of such.
Becker Wedding 2015 - Extra Dancing Edition (4:48)
A wedding video that I edited together in late 2015.
Photography by Tim Root of St Thomas VI.
Photography by Tim Root of St Thomas VI.
Jenn, Jenny, Me and I...Bored (0:24)A common visual gag (we are not twins) that my wife and I decided to have fun with one day.
Chad the Helpful Scamp (1:19)This was a way of introducing myself to members of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center (when I worked there, that is).
GRTV Studio Promo (1:44)A video promoting GRTV's studio and classes.
A Lively Facebook Conversation (0:30)When embedded into facebook, it appears to simply be normal dialogue between two people -- with a twist.
88.1 FM - WYCE Video Intro (0:05)A web video intro I made for GRTV sister station, WYCE.
WGRD Intro and Studio Test (1:41)Made some mock-up intros and dual cam video for WGRD DJ "Dahmer".
Badchecker Every Day: 2020 Update
An ongoing thing I do...
48 Hour Film Fest - Chicago, IL
Marathon from kyle nilges on Vimeo.
I was also the video editor for this 48 Film Festival Movie in Chicago, IL. Click "Watch on Vimeo" to check it out.